A Quick Bleat

I’ve always considered myself an honest tweeter, sometimes probably a bit too honest. My personality has a streak of irreverence that I often wonder if people take the right way, so to set the record straight I’d like to let my fellow tweeters know that I do tend think with humour first 😉 @drop4Three aptly assigned me my own personal hashtag this week #ToBeCheekyIsToBeAlive , if the hat fits…

Sometimes though a tweet is not enough, it just doesn’t cover it… 140 little characters when what you actually wanted to say was so much more! So we come to the concept of Bleating,  padding out those understated tweets.  I have no idea why but this morning of all mornings (Merry Christmas Eve btw) I feel a bit shouty… Indulge me… a few from this week…

*My 2.5yrold son has just discovered how immensely amusing it is to “wiggle wobble” my wiggly wobbly bits…. not impressed my boy… (LOL!)* 3 months and a loss of 1st 10lb and his little face giggles rapturously as he wobbles my tummy… *cries inside* are we ever happy with our bodies? I’m happy to say I escaped major stretch marks but child carrying and yep – that old chestnut  age have taken their toll. 😦

*I went to buy a diary today and stood there looking at them thinking “Blog, Blip, Twitter, Facebook… Who am I kidding!”* But actually I’m gutted…  I have paper diaries going back years, sometimes it’s not much more that a sentence, othertimes – like during the feedingondemand long weary days and nights of babyhood it was reams of sleep patterns and little smiles, flicking though pages is somehow so much more accessible that  pondering laboriously through an archive. If I spend much more time recording my life I will have no life so the diary has left the building.

*Tea drunk, back off to bed to listen to the BD snore and maybe, if it is not too much to ask; get a little bit more sleep? Please? 4:19 AM * Insomnia, my old friend…You are back again, this time without the urge for creativity you so often bring out in me, perhaps I’m being creative in other areas of my life. 5 broken hours sleep is as much as I seem to be getting at the moment, wtf…

(On being asked if I’m having a nice evening)  *If you threw in a night out dancing somewhere with a man in a tux, yeah… having a great time ;-)* Actually no..  I could think of so many better ways to spend the evening than listening to Wheeler Dealers and the cat lick her bottom whilst the over worked OH snoozes in and out of consciousness in his chair, I want to Dance…  Not just with the kids in the kitchen whilst scrubbing the cooker, I want to wear fancy shoes and a swishy frock and be swept off my feet… Wined and Dined and… I shall leave the rest to your imagination.

*Finally…. I have the remote control *Click* off…* and quiet….  My day is so noisy sometimes I could yell! TV, Kids, neighbours! and the total mindless booglebrainedrubbish that is man TV. Eurgh….

So now I’m wondering if I’m really that disatified with my life?

*I so love the bumpy slide at softplay weeeeeeeeeee!* You know those Mum’s who go to soft play and sit and have a coffee and a chin wag while the smalls charge around? Well, that can be me…  for 10 minutes or so…  and then I get ants in my pants and I can hear that big slide calling to me “Oi! Over here! Get your bum on me now!” Who can resist a slide that is so rude to you?…

*Yell loudly if you want me #amwriting* usually with twitter shrunk in the corner of the page – sad that is! But still, in October I thought I would have a go at writing fiction and I must say I totally adore it! Now what I have written is total hogwash but I don’t care, I’m finding it an enlightening experience, trying to describe what is happening to my characters effectively so it conjured up the right image and sequence is making me look at life a little harder and generally I like what I see (and how I see it).

*Today I am dancing like no one is watching ;-)* and I was…  for no good reason! Love it. I had been awake since 3am, driven back to wonderful Wilts from rural Northants (3hrs in slush and ice) yet when I hit Stonehenge I cracked a beaming smile and took a picture of the pile of rubble (It’s on my blip if ya really want to see it) It was great to be away but yesterday I was really pleased to be home. After an hour of aggressively thrashing the cooker clean with the help of Nickleback I softened, threw on the Abba cd and had a armwaving hipswinging mad moment (about an hour actually) of boundless energy! (Too much caffine perhaps) Don’t care… I rock 😀

I know I’m on twitter too much but it is my lifeline in my world gone small and I truly appreciate everyone who tweets with me guys you help keep me *____* insert appropriate word, “sane” doesn’t seem relevant. Some more than others – you know who you are!

If you have a tweet of mine you would like to see enlarged, post a comment I *might* be able to rise to the challenge – try me!

Merry Christmas and a bloody good New Year…  All of it!

About Kailexness
I am a Mother, a wife, a lover, a daughter, a friend but mostly I’m a woman. Time to shake off the labels and just let the words roll out….

10 Responses to A Quick Bleat

  1. jfb57 says:

    Thanks for all the news, laughs & tears over the year! I haven’t been able to post – lost mojo, energy, enthusiasm – completely but it is great to send you love & happiness!x

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention A Quick Bleat | Allaboutus and such like -- Topsy.com

  3. That is brilliant, so glad you joined the bleat. What a mix of emotions! I saw your soft play tweet and thought, aha that’s what I should be doing (if kids had been better) – but laughing at the image of you going for it!
    I’m writing too, look forward to hearing more about your fiction writing, always good to meet other writers.
    You reminded me of a New Year when we couldn’t go out so we dressed up posh to stay in.
    I think this bleating behind the tweets makes a great read – will link you to mine, and maybe look at a linky in the New Year?

  4. mutteringsofafool says:

    I’ve never looked back at my tweets like, very cool! Interesting to explain what was between the lines in those 140 words….

  5. Jen says:

    I love this ‘bleating’ idea and might try it after the hols. I have saggy bits too btw, and my 8 year old loves when they wobble so they never grow out of it. Happy Christmas:) Jen

  6. Pingback: Bleats « Helloitsgemma's Blog

  7. Pingback: The truth behind those Christmas tweets. | Alexander Residence

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